According to the data from the State Food and Drug Administration, the medical device market in 2017 continues the high growth trend of recent years. From 2011 to 2016, the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is 20.7% in medical technology and medical...
JANUARY Bloomage BioTechnology Acquired a French Skincare Company RevitacareIn Jan 2017, Bloomage BioTechology announced that it would acquire Revitacare, a French skincare company, for approximately HK$203 million (£22 million).【Deal details】...
Following a recent publication 2018 Forecast and Outlook in Medical Device Industry in China! (22ndJan 2018), we further discuss the medical device market in China.It is estimated that the scale of medical equipment market will reach a...
Source: Medical Device Innovation Network & Centre for Medical Device Evaluation (CMDE)Note: Content may be edited for style and lengthOn 10th January, 2018, Center for Medical Device Evaluation (CMDE) released the announcement Exa...
Source: China Medical Science and Technology Network and the National Development and Reform CommissionNote: Content may be edited for style and length0n 26th 2017, the National Development and Reform Commission issued a document: in t...
Hosted by the People’s Government of Jiangsu Province and jointly supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China, the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, National Health and Family Plann...
Source: Chinese Medicine NewspaperNote: Contents may be edited for style and lengthTax Commission Announcement [2018] No. 2In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Import and Export Tariff Regulations of the People’s Republic of China&n...
一月份: 1. Google Ventures领投红杉中国跟投英国生物科技公司Vaccitech 1月17日消息,据国外媒体TechCrunch报道,谷歌母公司Alphabet旗下风险投资基金GV(Google Ventures)领投了生物科技公司Vaccitech 2000万英镑(约合1.77亿元)A轮...
翻译:黄嘉慧,校对:杨冰梅 中韩两国投资者共斥资1250万美元给牛津大学的衍生公司Oxford Vacmedix(OVM),以期制造出更有效、更廉价的癌症疫苗。 OVM公司是一家牛津大学独立出来的生物技术公司,总部位于牛津科技园。 该技术不是...
新闻图片来源:SEHTA 2018年3月19日,伦敦市政厅,五家公司荣获伦敦市长的第一届伦敦医疗科技企业奖。 获奖者包括一项基于人工智能的供医生和病人使用的“临床卫星导航”,一项可供语音和语言困难的人使用的通信应用程序,及一项直接订购N...
JANUARY Bloomage BioTechnology Acquired a French Skincare Company RevitacareIn Jan 2017, Blooma...
中英科技合作再上新的台阶-工商联受邀出席珠海航展 英国中华工商联合会(CCBUK)作为被珠海政府正式邀请的...
2018年8月29日,腾讯青藤大学第三期30名学员和10位高管与英国西雷丁议员Alok Sharma 先生在议会大厦Po...
5th OCTOBER 2020, WUHAN/LONDON: Beyond Laboratory Ltd (Beyond Lab), a UK-based lif...
JUNE 24th, 2020, LONDON/SUZHOU – Beyondlaboratory UK Ltd (Beyond Lab) and the Inves...
2020年6月24日 伦敦/苏州 近日,英国超越实验室有限公司(超越实验室)和苏州工业...
2018 国内资本寒冬,中美开启贸易战,英国为脱欧方案斗得一地鸡毛。 就海外投资而言,美国开始实...
新闻和数据来源:彭博社,金融时报,超越实验室,美富律师事务所和Torreya等 欧盟成员国和欧盟议会将...
2018年8月29日,腾讯青藤大学第三期30名学员和10位高管与英国西雷丁议员Alok Sharma 先生在议会大厦Po...